The evaluation of adaptation of Eragrostis minor Host. (Poaceae) coenopopulations to the conditions of transformed environment

  • Nataliia A. Pashkevych Institute for Evolutionary Ecology of NAS Ukraine, Acad. Lebedev str. 37, 03143 Kyiv, Ukraine


Structural and functional features of E. minor, using morphometric traits and phytomass fractions of model coenopopulations are studied to determine adaptive capacity of species in different environments transformed the environment of forest, forest-steppe and steppe zones. Depending on edaphic conditions plants and organs of plants may increase several times in size and weight. The index of morphological integration of model coenopopulations indicates the uniformity of vegetative and generative organs of plants at different environmental conditions. In various conditions significant value to coenopopulations differentiation contribute signs of individual length as well as length and number of generative organs. Formation of the maximum number of spikelets (feature with the highest contribute to dispersion of data) corresponds to extreme edaphic conditions of growth combined with a high degree of recreation. However, decreasing environmental transformation is accompanied by double fulfillment of breeding potential of E. minor coenopopulations, while setting density of individuals reduce in almost 5-15 times. Thus, E. minor has mixed competitive Stress-tolerant Ruderal type as adaptation to condition of secondary areal.


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Fig. 3. Results of PCA-ordination of coenopopulations Eragrostis minor.
How to Cite
PASHKEVYCH, Nataliia A.. The evaluation of adaptation of Eragrostis minor Host. (Poaceae) coenopopulations to the conditions of transformed environment. Modern Phytomorphology, [S.l.], v. 7, p. 103-112, dec. 2016. ISSN 2227-9555. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 11 apr. 2018. doi:
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