The influence of alcoholic extract from leaves of Helianthus annuus L. on germination and growth of Sinapis alba L.
The knowledge of plants interactions is used for their better protection and cultivation. The
aim of this study was to determine the influence of alcoholic extracts from the leaves of the
common sunflower (Helianthus annuus) on selected physiological parameters of plants of
white mustard (Sinapis alba ‘Barka’). The seeds germination, the growth, the fresh and dry
masses of plants grown from seeds and germinated on the sunflower extracts and plants
watered by H. annuus extracts during the growth phase were studied. In the growth phase, the
fresh masses of all organs were increased on 5 % extract, however significantly decreased
on 10 % extract. The dry mass of S. alba was not significantly changed. In the germination
phase, much less changes of these parameters were revealed. In general, extracts from
H. annuus leaves inhibited germination of S. alba seeds, but stimulated growth of plants in
case of application of 5 % concentrations during the germination phase and inhibited their
growth in case of application of 10 % concentrations during the growth phase.
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