Dependence of leaf structural indices in two forest maple species from within-crown irradiance

  • N. Yu. Voloshina N.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany NAS of Ukraine, Tereshscenkovskaya Str., 2, Kiev, 01004, Ukraine
  • N. A. Belyavskaya N.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany NAS of Ukraine, Tereshscenkovskaya Str., 2, Kiev, 01004, Ukraine


The main leaf structural parameters of two genus Acer L. representatives (A. platanoides and A. tataricum) have been characterized. The responses of structural indices to within-crown light level have been studied. Inter-species differences have been revealed in irradiance adaptation at the cellular level.


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Fig. 1. Ultrastructure of cells and their fragments from upper (а, в, д) and lower (б, г, е) leaves of Acer platanoides. Fragment of leaf cross-section (а, б), chloroplasts (в, г), granae (д, е). Abbreviations: Г – grana, КВЭ – cell of upper epidermis, КГП – cell of spongy parenchyma, КЗ – starch grain, КНЭ – cell of lower epidermis, КСП – palisade cell, Пг – plastoglobule, ТГ – grana thylakoids, ТС – stroma thylakoids.
How to Cite
VOLOSHINA, N. Yu.; BELYAVSKAYA, N. A.. Dependence of leaf structural indices in two forest maple species from within-crown irradiance. Modern Phytomorphology, [S.l.], v. 1, p. 179-183, apr. 2012. ISSN 2227-9555. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 11 apr. 2018. doi: