The levels of fruit organization in Celastraceae and structural diversity of pirenariums in Cassinoideae

  • Ivan A. Savinov Moscow State University of Food Production, Talalichina Str., 33, Moscow, 109316, Russia


The levels of fruit organization are determined for the Celastraceae family on the basis of fruit morphology and anatomical study of pericarp (114 species from 45 genera). Analysis of their correlation with basal and derivative lineages according to the last molecular data is conducted and reconstruction of initial stages of the family phylogeny is presented. Special focus to structural diversity of pirenarium in Cassinoideae subfamily is spared.


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Fig. 1. Possible trends of specialization of pericarp and spermoderm structure in the Celastraceae (orig.). 1 – ancestral type of structure of the pericarp and spermoderm, 2 and 3 – pericarp and spermoderm types in subfamilies Celastroideae, 4 – pericarp and spermoderm type in subfamily Tripterygioideae, 5 and 6 – pericarp and spermoderm types in subfamilies Cassinoideae, 7 – pericarp and spermoderm type in subfamily Hippocrateoideae, 8 – pericarp and spermoderm type in subfamily Siphonodontoideae, П – pericarp, СП – spermoderm.
How to Cite
SAVINOV, Ivan A.. The levels of fruit organization in Celastraceae and structural diversity of pirenariums in Cassinoideae. Modern Phytomorphology, [S.l.], v. 1, p. 161-165, apr. 2012. ISSN 2227-9555. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 11 apr. 2018. doi: