Reconstruction of the insolation conditions of the past by the growth rings of the trees

  • Viktor V. Antyufeyev Yalta department of the Geographical society of the Ukraine, Nikita, bldg No 5, 98648, Yalta, Crimea, Ukraine
  • Ludmila I. Antyufeyeva Yalta department of the Geographical society of the Ukraine, Nikita, bldg No 5, 98648, Yalta, Crimea, Ukraine


The dependence of the structure of the growth rings of Pinus pallasiana Lamb. from the total solar radiation was ascertained. The equations of regression, which make it possible to restore the values of the annual sum of solar radiation in the past, when instrumental actinometrical observation was not executed, on the basis of measurement of the width of growth rings, are proposed. The graph of the insolation regime of the Southern coast of the Crimea since 1912 is given (measurement of radiation is fulfilled here since 1956).


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Fig. 2. Dynamics of the restored (reconstructed) annual sums of summary solar radiation (solid line) and the trends: linear (stroked line) and approximated by the polynomial of the 6th degree (dotted line). On the X-axis – deviation of yearly sums away from the climatic norm, in kWh·m-2 .
How to Cite
ANTYUFEYEV, Viktor V.; ANTYUFEYEVA, Ludmila I.. Reconstruction of the insolation conditions of the past by the growth rings of the trees. Modern Phytomorphology, [S.l.], v. 1, p. 143-147, apr. 2012. ISSN 2227-9555. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 11 apr. 2018. doi: