Morpho-anatomical structure of the leaf apparatus of spring barley under the influence of herbicide and plant growth regulators

  • V. P. Karpenko Uman National Universitу of Horticulture, Instytutska Str., 1, Uman, Cherkasy Region, 20305, Ukraine
  • R. M. Prytuliak Uman National Universitу of Horticulture, Instytutska Str., 1, Uman, Cherkasy Region, 20305, Ukraine


It has been found that the number of epidermal cells of spring barley leaf apparatus on the surface unit of the leaf decreases while their size increases under the application of herbicide «Calibre 75» at the rates of 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 g/ha in mixtures with «Agat‑25K» which is consistent with the formation of anatomic structure of the leaf apparatus belonging to mesomorphic type.


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KARPENKO, V. P.; PRYTULIAK, R. M.. Morpho-anatomical structure of the leaf apparatus of spring barley under the influence of herbicide and plant growth regulators. Modern Phytomorphology, [S.l.], v. 2, p. 253-255, apr. 2012. ISSN 2227-9555. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 11 apr. 2018. doi: