Pages of the phytomorphology history in the monuments of material culture

  • Viktor Yu. Barshteyn Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Osipovskogo Str., 2a, Kyiv, 04123, Ukraine


It was reviewed Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome sources of plants morphology, plant morphology knowledge in Renaissance age – scientific works of Andrea Cesalpino, Joachim Jungius, Marcello Malpighi and plant morphology formation as the separate branch of science due to Johann Wolfgang von Goethe scientific works and its reflection in the monuments of material culture.


Cesalpino A. 1583. De Plantis, libri XVI. Florentiae.
Goethe J.W. von 1790. Versuch die Metamorphose der Pflanzen zu erklären.
Jungius J. 1678. Isagoge phytoscopica. Hamburg.
Linnaeus C. 1780. Philosophia Botanica in qua explicantur Fundamenta Botanica cum Definitionibus partium, Exemplis terminorum, Observationibus rariorum. Adiectis Figuris aeneis. Editio Secunda. Curante Johanne Gottlieb Gleditsch. C.F. Rimburgi, Berlin.
Malpighi M. 1675-1679. Anatomia Plantarum. I-II.
Fig. 4. Carl Linné. Medal (Sweden), obverse.
How to Cite
BARSHTEYN, Viktor Yu.. Pages of the phytomorphology history in the monuments of material culture. Modern Phytomorphology, [S.l.], v. 2, p. 153-156, apr. 2012. ISSN 2227-9555. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 11 apr. 2018. doi:
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