The dynamic of histoanatomical modifications during the ontomorphogenesis of the fruits of chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa (Michx.) Elliot)

  • Тatyana I. Calalb State Universitary of Medicine and Pharmacy «Nicolae Testemitanu», Маlina Mica str., 66, Chişinău, MD 2025, Moldova


The dynamic of the modifications of histoanatomical parameters (thickness and type of cuticle, type of wax crystalloids; density, type, mode of distribution stomata and hairs; mode of distribution and presence of calcium oxalate druses, sclereids and vacuoles with anthocyanin content in mesocarp cells) during ontomorphogenesis (from 10 days after bluming up to full maturity) of the fruits of Aronia melanocarpa (Michx.) Elliot, grown in the Republic of Moldova has been studied.


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Fig. 1. Specifically anatomical structures of fruit pericarp of Aronia melanocarpa: Д – place of trichome attachment.
How to Cite
CALALB, Тatyana I.. The dynamic of histoanatomical modifications during the ontomorphogenesis of the fruits of chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa (Michx.) Elliot). Modern Phytomorphology, [S.l.], v. 2, p. 75-78, apr. 2012. ISSN 2227-9555. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 11 apr. 2018. doi: