Anatomical studies on Scorzonera (Asteraceae) species, subgenera Podospermum and Pseudopodospermum in Iran

  • Maryam Norouzi Department of Plant Sciences, Faculty of Biological Sciences,, Kharazmi University, Dr. Mofatteh Avenue 43, 15719-14911 Tehran, Iran
  • Farrokh Ghahremaninejad Department of Plant Sciences, Faculty of Biological Sciences,, Kharazmi University, Dr. Mofatteh Avenue 43, 15719-14911 Tehran, Iran
  • Ali Asghar Maassoumi Department of Botany, Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands, Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), P.O. Box 13185-116, Tehran, Iran
  • Seyed Reza Safavi Department of Botany, Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands, Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), P.O. Box 13185-116, Tehran, Iran


The genus Scorzonera with approximately 175 species is the largest genus within the Cichorieae tribe. This genus includes 55 species distributed in different parts of Iran, 17 species of which are endemic. Due to morphological similarity, the recognition of species is comparatively difficult, thus the anatomical characters can be taken into consideration. To study anatomical structure, the leaf samples were taken off from herbarium specimens and handmade cross-sections were prepared and stained with methyl green and carmine. Several slides were studied and photographed with light microscope. The results obtained from this research confirm the usefulness of leaf anatomy characters in the identification of most of the species studied. The study of anatomical characters of midrib and lamina of Podospermum and Pseudopodospermum subgenera confirms classification of the series and subgenera of this genus.


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Fig. 2. Leaf transversal sections of series Armeniacae (drown from Scorzonera armeniaca).
How to Cite
NOROUZI, Maryam et al. Anatomical studies on Scorzonera (Asteraceae) species, subgenera Podospermum and Pseudopodospermum in Iran. Modern Phytomorphology, [S.l.], v. 9, p. 51-68, june 2016. ISSN 2227-9555. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 11 apr. 2018. doi:
Research Articles