Biomorphological features of Serratula coronata L. (Asteraceae) introduced in ZHNAEUs Botanical Garden
Peculiarities of growth, evolution and morphology of Serratula coronata L. were determined under introduction in conditions of Botanical Garden of Zhytomyr National Agroecological University that belongs to Polissya region of Ukraine. The results of investigation of S. coronata ex situ are presented for the next periods of ontogenesis: latent, pregenerative and partly generative. The features of the 6 age states of individuals are specified: achen dormant, sprouts, juvenile, immature, young generative, middle-aged generative. During the first year of life the seeds of S. coronata were passing the pregenerative period of ontogenesis. In the second year the plants got into generative period achieving middle-aged generative state in the third year of growth. Plants of S. coronata formed vegetative and generative organs, as well as viable seeds and that confirms sufficient species adaptation in conditions of the described region.
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