Features of micromorphological structure of medicinal hyssop
Micromorphological peculiarities of the structure of vegetative and generative organs of Hyssopus officinalis were analyzed. The epidermis of H. officinalis reveals diacyctic stomata and external outgrowths: glandular and covering trichomes, as well as peltate essential oil glands. Capitate and bent indumentary (covering) trichomes occur on the stem, while on the leaves peltate glands, conical and bent uni- and multicellular trichomes were observed. On the calyx, in the midrib region, there are peltate glands while the ribs are densely covered with indumentary and glandular trichomes. The corolla’s adaxial surface is covered with long indumentary trichomes, with sparse peltate glands occurring on the margins. The highest density of essential oil peltate glands is found on the adaxial surface of the calyx upper lip (15.8±2.54 pcs./mm2) and on the leaf abaxial surface (13.6±2.40 pcs./mm2). Glands with the largest diameter (47.82±2.82 μm) are located on the leaf adaxial surface.
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