%A Popielarska-Konieczna, Marzena %A Kozieradzka-Kiszkurno, Małgorzata %A Marcińska, Izabela %A Kwolek, Dagmara %A Ślesak, Halina %D 2014 %T Isolated endosperm tissue as a model for experimental botany %K %X Experiments conducted on isolated endosperm under in vitro conditions have opened new possibilities to investigate this specific and unique plant tissue. Results are important as well for basic knowledge as for agriculture practice. %U http://ojs.phytomorphology.org/index.php/MP/article/view/99 %J Modern Phytomorphology %0 Journal Article %R 10.5281/zenodo.160387 %P 19-20%V 6 %@ 2227-9555 %8 2014-04-01