%A Muhitdinov, Nashtay M. %A Abidkulova, Karime T. %A Kurbatova, Natalya V. %D 2012 %T Anatomical and morphological features of Linaria vulgaris Mill. in otogeny in the culture %K %X Anatomical and morphological structure of Linaria vulgaris Mill. in ontogeny and age-related changes of its vegetative organs were studied. Diagnostic features (presence in the leaf parenchyma of rounded inclusions, appearance of sclerenchyma in vascular bundles in the growth and development 5-8-beam pith of the stem etc.) were noted. %U http://ojs.phytomorphology.org/index.php/MP/article/view/425 %J Modern Phytomorphology %0 Journal Article %R 10.5281/zenodo.162664 %P 227-231%V 2 %@ 2227-9555 %8 2012-04-01