%A Dremliuga, Natalia G. %D 2014 %T Morphological peculiarities of calyx in species from Campanula L. subsection Involucratae (Fom.) Fed. in flora of Ukraine %K %X The calyx morphological peculiarities of six species from subsection Involucratae (Fom.) Fed. of the genus Campanula L. from Ukrainian flora were studied. The common (campanulate calyx) and peculiar (triangular or lanceolate calyx lobes, and presence or absence of small thorns on them) characters have been revealed. The peculiar features could be applied as additional diagnostic on the level of series. %U http://ojs.phytomorphology.org/index.php/MP/article/view/165 %J Modern Phytomorphology %0 Journal Article %R 10.5281/zenodo.160777 %P 259-262%V 6 %@ 2227-9555 %8 2014-04-01