%A Shkuratova, Natalya V. %D 2014 %T About formation of circular structures in the bark of willows from the subgenus Vetrix %K %X The circular periderms in trunks bark of four species of willows from subgenus Vetrix have been studied. It was ascertained that in S. hultenii and S. livida bark circular periderms are represented while in close and controversal species S. caprea and S. starkeana such structures are absent. %U http://ojs.phytomorphology.org/index.php/MP/article/view/156 %J Modern Phytomorphology %0 Journal Article %R 10.5281/zenodo.160766 %P 217-219%V 6 %@ 2227-9555 %8 2014-04-01