Instructions for Authors

For Authors      For Referees

General Requirements

Modern Phytomorphology accepts manuscripts prepared in English, Ukrainian or Russian. In a case of English the Authors are required to have their manuscripts edited by a native English speaker BEFORE submission.

We have tried to make the procedure of preparing and sending manuscripts as simple as possible, nevertheless the requirements set out below are mandatory. These requirements are put forward on draft text, while the formatting of the final text will be changed by our pagemakers in accordance with the technical requirements of the journal. Therefore, the scope and structure of the final text may vary.

Editorial Board reserves the right to edit and decline the papers which have format errors or do not correspond to the journal thematics. By sending us an article Authors accept the above conditions.

The manuscript size is unlimited; font – Times New Roman, size – 12 pt., indentation – 1,25 сm, 1,5-spaced, width fitted; margins 2 cm on all four sides.

Text sequence: 1) article title, 2) author’s names, 3) abstract (no less than 100 words) and keywords in the language of main text, 4) institute, postal address, e-mail, 5) main text, 6) references by the following examples, 7) titles for figures and tables in the language of main text and in English. If the language of the main text is different from English, than you also must write in English by 10 pt.: 1) article title, 2) author’s names, 3) abstract (no less than 100 words) and keywords, 4) institute, postal address, e-mail.

References in the text should be quoted as follows. For one author: (Kondracki 1978);  for two authors: (Capelletti & Poldini 1984); for three or more authors: (Cieśliński et al. 2009). Also can be quoted as Kondracki (1978: 55-60) or (Kondracki 1978, 1980).

Pdf of each paper are supplied to each Author free of charge. Also Pdf of each paper are posted on our official website and other supporting resources free of charge too.

References Examples

Кондратюк Т.О. 2012. Прояви морфологічних та фізіологічних особливостей мікроскопічних грибів-пошкоджувачів виробів і матеріалів в умовах впливу біоцидів. Mod. Phytomorphol. 1: 43-46.

Недуха О.М. 2011. Гетерофілія у рослин. Альтерпрес, Київ.

Capelletti E. & Poldini L. 1984. Seed morphology in some European aconites (Aconitum, Ranunculaceae). Plant Syst. Evol. 145: 193-201.

Cieśliński S., Czyżewska K., Fabiszewski J. 2003. Red list of extinct and threatened lichens in Poland. In: K. Czyżewska (ed.), The threat to lichens in Poland. Monogr. Bot. 91: 13-49 (in Polish).

Paczoski J. 1927. Aconitum. In: W. Szafer (ed.), Flora Polska. 3: 19-25. PWN, Warszawa-Krakow. Kondracki J. 1978. Karpaty. Wydawnictwo Szkolne i Pedagogiczne,Warszawa.

Submission Procedure

We only accept electronic versions of manuscripts and supporting data.

Please send the manuscripts to the Executive Editor (Dr. Andrew V. Novikoff, [email protected]).

Text should be submitted as «.doc», «.docx» or «.rtf» files. Images should be submitted as separate “.jpg” or “.tiff” files (300 dpi), or they also may be placed at the end of the main file on the separated pages. Tables should be given as separate “.xls” or “.xlsx” files, or they can be placed at the end of the main file on the separate pages too.

Review Process

The Corresponding Author receive an acknowledgment of receipt of the manuscript by e-mail. After that, manuscripts considered suitable for peer review are sent to at least two Referees. We give Referees three or four weeks for the return of their reports and make corrections and notes. Next the Corresponding Author is asked to accept corrections and to make any other necessary changes. Further the Corresponding Author is informed when a  paper is accepted. Finally, Author is asked to revise preprint of an article within one week.

Please find our Editorial Board here.

You can download these requirements as a pdf.

Rights and Permissions

The journal is licensed by Creative Commons under BY-NC-ND license. You are welcome and free to share (copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format) all the published materials. You may not use the material for commercial purposes. You must give appropriate credit to all published materials.

The journal allow the author(s) to hold the copyrights and to retain publishing rights without any restrictions. This is also indicated at the bottom of each of the article.

Charges Policy

Modern Phytomorphology is non-profit and enthusiastic journal. The journal have no article processing and article submission charges. Normally price of one page is 5 Euros which covers publishing costs and existence of the journal. However, most of articles are published by costs of conference fees. Also part of articles are published for free in the case of exceptional electronic publication of the whole volume. Publication of some articles can also be granted by Editorial Board. For more details please contact with Editor-in-Chief or Executive Editor.

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