Author Guidelines

For Authors For Referees

Legal Notice

Journal reserves the right to reduce, edit and decline the manuscripts which have formatting errors or do not correspond to the journal topics or strategy. As well as journal reserves the right to decline or exclude from public access the papers in the case of violation of general principles of scientific ethics and copyrights, plagiarism detection or any other legal offenses either at any moment of editorial process or even after publishing. Sending the manuscript(s) you accept and agree with this statement and the terms of Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement.

General Requirements

Modern Phytomorphology accepts manuscripts prepared in English, Ukrainian or Russian. In a case of English the Authors are required to have their manuscripts edited by a native English speaker BEFORE submission.

We have tried to make the procedure of preparing and sending manuscripts as simple as possible, nevertheless the requirements set out below are mandatory. These requirements are put forward on draft text, while the formatting of the final text will be changed by our pagemakers in accordance with the technical requirements of the journal. Therefore, the scope and structure of the final text may vary.

Text format: font – Times New Roman or Calibri, size – 12 pt, indentation – 1.25 сm, 1.5-spaced, width fitted; margins 2 cm on all four sides. Text should be represented in .doc or .docx. The size of manuscripts is unlimited, however authors should follow next instruction during their preparation.

Text sequence: 1) article title, 2) author(s), 3) abstract (no less than 100 words), 4) keywords, 5) contact details (including institution, full postal address, and e-mail of corresponding author), 6) main text, 7) acknowledgments, 8) list of references.

If the language of manuscript differs from English, then author(s) should also provide in English at the end of text body: 1) article title, 2) author(s), 3) abstract (no less than 100 words), 4) keywords, 5) ontact details (including institution, full postal address, and e-mail of corresponding author).

Images: should be provided as separate files with at least 300 dpi resolution in any of Windows readable formats. They also may be placed in file of the main text to show prefered organization, but in this case separated image files also required. If figure consists of more than one image, all of them should include such attributes as letterings, legends, abbreviations, arrows and other special symbols etc., EXCEPT of numbers or letters showing the sequence of images in this figure. Such numbers or letters should be inserted in images included in text file only and later will be changed on corresponding symbols by editors to follow general style of the journal.

Tables: can be provided either in the body of the main text or as separated .xls or .xlsx files.

Captions of the figures and tables: can be provided either in file of the main text or as separated file. For Cyrillic manuscripts should be duplicated by translation into the English.

References in the text: we reccomend to use references in Romanian alphabets only, because only such references are acceptable by the most of reference and indexation systems (e.g. Thomson Reuters). For this reason all Cyrillic references in the text (even if this text is in Ukrainian or Russian) and, correspondingly, in the List of References should be translated or transliterated into the English. At this moment journal also accepts articles with Cyrillic references in the text, but then author(s) should provide both original Cyrillic and translated or transliterated into the English versions for each of references in the List of References .

Please note, that there no need to translate or transliterated any references in other Romanian alphabets with diacritics (e.g. Slovakian, Polish, Romanian, German, French etc.), and they can be provided as are.

References in the text for one author should be (Kondracki 1978); for two authors (Capelletti & Poldini 1984); for three or more authors (Cieśliński et al. 2009). Also they can be represented as Kondracki (1978: 55–60) or (Kondracki 1978, 1980).

References in the List of References: if you are using reference manager (e.g. Mendeley), you can download a .csl file of Modern Phytomorphology citation style to organize your List of References. How to install new citation style. Otherwise you can apply Annals of Botany citation style which is closest to our. If available, DOIs must be provided at the end of citations.

All Cyrillic references in List of References MUST be supported by translation or, at least, transliteration into the English.

References Examples

Journal Articles

Capelletti E., Poldini L. 1984. Seed morphology in some European aconites (Aconitum, Ranunculaceae). Plant Syst. Evol. 145: 193–201.

Fischer S., Cornils K., Speiseder T., Badbaran A., Reimer R., Indenbirken D., Grundhoff A., Brunswig-Spickenheier B., Alawi M., Lange C. 2016. Indication of horizontal DNA gene transfer by extracellular vesicles. PLoS ONE 11(9): e0163665.

Yun Y., Liu Z., Yin Y., Jiang J., Chen Y., Xu J.-R., Ma Z. 2015. Functional analysis of the Fusarium graminearum phosphatome. New Phytol. 207: 119–134. doi:10.1111/nph.13374

Кондратюк Т.О. 2012. Прояви морфологічних та фізіологічних особливостей мікроскопічних грибів-пошкоджувачів виробів і матеріалів в умовах впливу біоцидів. Mod. Phytomorphol. 1: 43–46. [Kondratiuk T.O. 2012. Proyavi morfologichnich ta fiziologichnich osoblyvostey mikroskopichnih gribiv-poshkodzhuvachiv vyrobiv i materialiv v umovah vplivu biotsidiv. Mod. Phytomorphol. 1: 43–46. (In Ukrainian)]



Baum B.R. 1977. Oats: wild and cultivated. A monograph of the genus Avena L. (Poaceae). Thorn Press Limited, Ottawa.

Kondracki J. 1978. Karpaty. Wydawnictwo Szkolne i Pedagogiczne,Warszawa.

Palilov A.I. 1976. Mnogokratnyj geterozis. Nauka i Tehnika, Minsk.

Дідух Я.П. (ред.) 2009. Червона книга України. Рослинний світ. Глобалконсалтинг, Київ. [Didukh Ya.P. (ed.) 2009. Red book of Ukraine. The plant  world. Globalconsulting, Kyiv. (In Ukrainian)]

Недуха О.М. 2011. Гетерофілія у рослин. Альтерпрес, Київ. [Nedukha O.M. 2011. Heterophylly in plants. Altpress, Kyiv. (In Ukrainian)]


Book Chapters

Paczoski J. 1927. Aconitum. In: Szafer W. (ed.), Flora Polska. Vol. 3: 19–25. PWN, Warszawa-Krakow.

Tamura M. 1995. Angiospermae. Ordnung Ranunculales. Fam. Ranunculaceae. II. Systematic Part. In: Hiepko P. (ed.), Die Natürliche Pflanzenfamilien. 2nd ed. 17aIV: 223–519. Duncker Humblot, Berlin.

Wang W.T., Gilbert M.G. 2001. Ranunculus L. In: Wu Z.Y., Raven P.H., Hong D.Y. (eds), Flora of China. Vol. 6: 391–431. Science Press & Missouri Botantical Garden Press.

Малиновський К.А., Крічфалушій В.В. 2000. Високогірна рослинність. У кн.: Соломаха В.А. (ред.), Рослинність України. 1: 1–238. Фітосоціоцентр, Київ. [Malinovskiy K.A., Kricfalusy V.V. 2000. High-mountain vegetation. In: Solomakha V.A. (ed.), Vegetation of Ukraine. 1: 1–238. Phytosociocenter, Kyiv. (In Ukrainian)]


Book Chapters in Serial Issues

Cieśliński S., Czyżewska K., Fabiszewski J. 2003. Red list of extinct and threatened lichens in Poland. In: Czyżewska K. (ed.), The threat to lichens in Poland. Monogr. Bot. 91: 13–49. (In Polish)

Nelson D.W., Sommers L.E. 1996. Total carbon, organic carbon and organic matter. In: Sparks D.L., Page A.L., Helmke P.A., Loeppert R.H., Soltanpour P.N., Tabatabai M.A., Johnston C.T., Sumner M.E. (eds), Methods of soil analysis. Part 3. Chemical Methods. SSSA Book Series No. 5: 961–1010.


Web Sources

Halbritter H., Auera A., Kohler R. 2011. Ranunculus glacialis. In: PalDat (2011-10-17), A palynological database. . Accessed: 21 April 2016.

IPNI 2016. IPNI. The International Plant Names Index. . Accessed: 30 May 2016.

The Plant List 2014. Cephalotaxus harringtonii (Knight ex J.Forbes) K.Koch. In: The plant list. A working list of all plant species. . Accessed: 16 April 2014.


Conference Proceedings

Kosina R., Wach M. 2002. Zmienność mikromorfologiczna taksonów w biologicznym gatunku Avena barbata. Ogólnopolskie Spotkanie Naukowe “Taksonomia, kariologia i rozmieszczenie traw w Polsce”: 50. Instytut Botaniki PAN, Kraków.

Новіков А.В. 2010b. Особливості поширення та питання охорони Aconitum anthora L. (Ranunculaceae) в Українських Карпатах. Природно-заповідний фонд України – минуле, сьогодення, майбутнє: мат-ли міжнар. наук.-практ. конф., присвяч. 20-річчю ПЗ «Медобори» (Гримайлів, 26-28 травня 2010 р.): 446–449. Підручники і посібники, Тернопіль. [Novikoff A.V. 2010b. Specifics of distribution and the question of protection of the Aconitum anthora L. (Ranunculaceae) in Ukrainian Carpathians. Proc. of the Internat. Sci.-Pract. Conf. (Hrimayliv, 26-28 May 2010): 446–449. (In Ukrainian)]


Theses, Manuscripts etc.

Świetlikowska M. 2008. Zmienność mikrostrukturalna i cytogenetyczna amfiploida Avena magna × A.longiglumis. MSc thesis. University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw.

Новіков А.В. 2012. Особливості будови пагона видів роду Aconitum L. (Ranunculaceae Juss.) Східних Карпат. Автореф. к.б.н. 03.00.05 – ботаніка. Нікітський ботанічний сад – Національний науковий центр НААН України, Ялта. [Novikoff A.V. 2012. The features of the shoot structure of the species from Eastern Carpathians’ genus Aconitum L. (Ranunculaceae Juss.). Autoref. PhD 03.00.05 – botany. Nikitsky Botanical Garden – National Scientific Center, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Ukraine, Yalta. (In Ukrainian)]

Author’s copies

Pdfs of all paper are freely available in archive webpage under the Creative Commons BY‑NC‑ND license. Authors and other third persons are eligible for self archiving, distribution and other legal use of these papers under the same BY‑NC‑ND license. Copies of all published articles are also deposited on website of Zenodo project funded by CERN. Full volumes are also deposited on ISSUU website and can be easily searchable.

Submission Procedure

We accept only electronic versions of manuscripts and supporting data. To submit the manuscript, please use online submission form. In case of observed problems, contact with Executive Editor.

Review Process

The Corresponding Author receive an acknowledgment of receipt of the manuscript by e-mail. After that, manuscripts considered suitable for peer review are sent to at least two Referees. Review process is double blind. Please note this when you will modify manuscript in accordance to referee notes – you should not indicate yourself in any way. Usually we give Referees three or four weeks for the return of their reports and make corrections and notes. Next the Corresponding Author is asked to accept corrections and to make any other necessary changes. Further the Corresponding Author is informed when a paper is accepted. Finally, Author is asked to revise preprint of an article within one week.

You can find our Editorial Board here.

You can download these requirements as a pdf.

Rights and Permissions after Publishing

The journal is licensed by Creative Commons under BY-NC-ND license. You are welcome and free to share (copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format) all the published materials. You may not use the material for commercial purposes. You must give appropriate credit to all published materials.

The journal allow the author(s) to hold the copyrights and to retain publishing rights without any restrictions. This is also indicated at the bottom of each of the article.

Charges Policy

Modern Phytomorphology is non-profit and enthusiastic journal. The journal have no article processing and article submission charges. Normally price of one page is 5 Euros which covers publishing costs and existence of the journal. However, most of articles are published by costs of conference fees. Also part of articles are published for free in the case of exceptional electronic publication of the whole volume. Publication of some articles can also be granted by Editorial Board. For more details please contact with Editor-in-Chief or Executive Editor.