Ecological preferences: Sciophytes or helio-sciophytes; hygrophytes or hygromesophytes, rarely – hygro-helophytes; probably subacidophils (Didukh et al. 2004).
Distribution and habitats in Ukrainian Carpathians: Presence of this species in Ukrainian Carpathians is under question. In general this species prefer Tilio-Carpinetum and Adenostylion communities in lower altitudes. There are some reports about its occurrence in Chornohora on the slopes of Pozhyzhevska Mt. (road from Zarosliak station to High-Mountain Station of Institute of Ecology of Carpathians). I inspected plants from Chornohora, however they are not blooming for the years, so I cannot identify them.
Threats: Confirmation of this taxon for Ukrainian Carpathians is needed, DD.